Building Use Policy GENERAL POLICY: The main doors to the church are generally open: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm on Tuesdays 9:00 am on Sunday. All church activities will be cancelled whenever Woodbury Central School is dismissed early or cancelled due to bad weather. CLEAN UP: In an attempt to keep use fees as low as possible, it is necessary that all groups clean up after themselves, returning all areas of the building to the condition they were in before their event began. Additional fees will be assessed to cover expenses for cleaning and repair, if necessary. YOUNG CHILDREN: Parents and responsible adults must provide appropriate control and supervision of children on the church premises. Running throughout the building is to be discouraged. Use of the nursery area requires adult supervision. SCHEDULING: All requests for use of the church building are subject to approval and should be submitted to the office as far in advance as possible. Regularly scheduled church activities have priority over requests for building use. Funeral and memorial services always have priority, but every effort will be made to accommodate those who have an event scheduled. CLERGY: The resident pastor is in charge of all services. Arrangements may be made through the pastor for other clergy to participate. The only exception is when another church in the Moville Ministerial Association requests use of the church for a funeral due to size constraints. In such a case, a $50.00 fee will be charged to cover the cost of the utilities and custodial expenses. MEMORIAL LUNCHEONS AND RECEPTIONS: All arrangements must be made through the United Women in Faith Courtesy Committee. Church will provide salads, cakes, and drinks. Additional food costs are at the expense of the family. Please contact Sandy Baker for information. WEDDING: RESERVING THE CHURCH: The church may be reserved for a wedding no less than 6 weeks and no more than 12 months in advance. Before a date is reserved, the couple must meet with the resident pastor to discuss details of the wedding policy. ALL FEES MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. The following fee schedule has been approved and adopted by the Moville United Methodist Administrative Council. Please note that all such fees: